To work


And if working became simple?

TV work and self-employed

Telework represents 16.7% of French workers (according to a study in France) and self-employed workers are becoming more numerous.
You can now dissociate private and professional life and offer your customers a suitable place.

An economic local

Reduce your rents and enjoy a workspace designed for your activity. With the lowest cost of the market, the time to depreciate your business premises will be significantly reduced.

A customized space

Give yourself a work space that is studied and adept at your activity. From now on the custom is no longer a luxury, it is accessible to all. We offer access to the public with the option of a ramp PMR (people with reduced mobility)

Expand your business

Want to develop your business in other sectors? It's now possible to see other professional horizons and control costs to grow your business. You can now control the cost of furniture.
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